Tuesday, December 16, 2008

i'm how old?

wait, i can't quite see how many fingers your holding up, baba

what? @#*! really?!

whoo hoo! i'm 6 months old today!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

some of az's favorite things: weird flying saucers and bags for the groceries...

hey, what da ya mean those dogs are mine? really?

kavi-do meets azi-do

aunt mahta instructs on how to give a big cheese

az's first thanksgiving meal -- rice cereal a la maman's pinkie!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

oh whoa is me! a giraffe is sitting on my lap.

upright solo, but still a lil' bit tippy

az practicing her WWF moves on B
(who has dubbed her "drool bucket")